
Scientific publications

Э.В. Ивантер, Ю.П. Курхинен, И.К. Хански, Е.В. Кулебякина.
Территориальное распределения и численность летяги в Восточной Фенноскандии
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 1. Сер. Биогеография. Вып. 8. Материалы по ведению Красной книги Республики Карелия, 2009. C. 69-74
E.V. Ivanter, Ju.P. Kurhinen, I.K. Hanski, E.V. Kulebyakina. Spatial Distribution and Abundance of Flying Squirrel in East Fennoscandia // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Biogeography. 2009. Pp. 69-74
Keywords: mammals, flying squirrel, abundance of populations, East Fennоscandia.
The new method of the flying squirrel census by means of excrement presence registration on test plots is offered. Its detailed description and the first results of application in various regions of Fennoscandia are resulted. In Finland in 2003–2006 it has been surveyed more than 10 000 test plots from which 10.3 % have appeared are occupied by flying squirrels (about 11 pairs per 1000 ha). In Karelian isthmus from 707 surveyed plots populated there were 9.3 % (10 pairs per 1000 ha). In the territory of Karelia in 2004–2008 from 927 put and surveyed plots, animals have been found out in 15.7 % (17.5 pairs per 1000 ha). In all investigated areas considerable spatial variability of number of flying squirrels is noted.
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Spatial Distribution and Abundance of Flying Squirrel in East Fennoscandia (182 Kb, total downloads: 394)

Last modified: September 26, 2016