
Scientific publications

Ветчинникова Л.В., Титов А.Ф., Кузнецова Т.Ю.
Ресурсы карельской березы: состояние, проблемы восстановления и пути решения
Vetchinnikova L.V., Titov A.F., Kuznetsova T.Yu. Curly birch resources: state-of-the-art, regeneration problems and solutions // Forest Resources of Russian Taiga: Forest Use and Reforestation Problems: Proceedings of the All- Russian Scientific Conference With International Participation. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS Publishers, 2009. P. 114–116

Les_resurs_114-116.pdf (261 Kb, total downloads: 486)

Last modified: December 15, 2010