
Scientific publications

Козлов В.А., Кистерная М.В., Неронова Я.А.
Формирование годичного кольца у сосны обыкновенной (P. sylvestris L.) при проведении гидролесомелиоративных работ
Kozlov V.A., Kisternaya M.V., Neronova Ya.A. Forming of Pinus sylvestris’ annual ring under the impact of forest drainage // Forest Resources of Russian Taiga: Forest Use and Reforestation Problems: Proceedings of the All- Russian Scientific Conference With International Participation. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS Publishers, 2009. Pp. 205-207

Les_resurs_205-207.pdf (248 Kb, total downloads: 337)

Last modified: December 15, 2010