
Scientific publications

Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 1. Сер. Биогеография. Вып. 8
Материалы по ведению Красной книги Республики Карелия, 2009. 134 с.
Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Biogeography. 2009. 134 p.
Indexed at RSCI

Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Biogeography (2.78 Mb, total downloads: 1723)

Articles in journal:

A.V. Kravchenko, O.L. Kuznetsov. Changes in the Vascular Plants List in the New Edition of the Red Data Book of Republic of Karelia7
A.V. Kravchenko, O.L. Kuznetsov. Distribution of Vascular Plants Red-Listed in Karelia by Floristic Districts21
A.I. Maksimov. Red-Listed Mosses in Karelian Republic29
V.I. Shubin, O.O. Predtechenskaya. Ascomycetes and Grounddwelling Basidiomycetes in the Latest Red Data Book of Republic of Karelia38
V.M. Kotkova, V.I. Krutov. On Distribution and Conservation Status of Red-Listed Aphyllophoraceous Fungi of Republic of Karelia43
M.A. Fadeeva. Changes in the Lichens List in the New Edition of the Red Data Book of Republic of Karelia51
S.F. Komulainen. Freshwater Algae in Red Data Books: State-Of-The-Art and Problems57
P.I. Danilov, V.V. Belkin. Results of Revision of the Mammals List from the Red Data Book of Karelia62
E.V. Ivanter, Ju.P. Kurhinen, I.K. Hanski, E.V. Kulebyakina. Spatial Distribution and Abundance of Flying Squirrel in East Fennoscandia69
A.V. Artemiev, V.B. Zimin, N.V. Lapshin, S.V. Sazonov, T.Yu. Hokhlova. The New List of Birds of the Republic of Karelia Red Data Book75
V.Ya. Pervozvanskiy. Rare and Protected Fishes in the Red Data Book of Republic of Karelia81
A.V. Polevoi, A.E. Humala, V.V. Gorbach, S.D. Uzenbaev. Changes and Additions to the List of Rare and Vulnerable Insect Species of Republic of Karelia90
I.A. Baryshev. First Find of the Caddis Fly Chimarra Marginata (L.) (Trichoptera, Insecta) in Lake Onego Basin, and Recommendation for its Inclusion in the Red Data Book of Republic of Karelia98
A.A. Makhrov, E.P. Ieshko, I.L. Shchurov, V.A. Shirokov. Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera Margaritifera (L. 1758)): Coverage by Studies and Options for Conservation in Rivers of Karelia101
A. M. Kryshen’. 12th Congress of the Russian Botanical Society (Petrozavodsk, September 2008)114
O.L. Kuznetsov. Margarita Boitchuk (on the 50th anniversary)119
A.V. Kravchenko. Margarita Fadeeva (on the 50th anniversary)121
Last modified: April 19, 2016