
Scientific publications

Л.А. Беспятова, С.В. Бугмырин, Ю.С. Коротков, Е.П. Иешко.
Природные очаги клещевого энцефалита на северо-западной периферии обитания таежного клеща Ixodes persulcatus (Schulze, 1930)
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 4. Сер. Биогеография. Вып. 9. 2009. C. 96-101
L.A. Bespyatova, S.V. Bugmyrin, Y.S. Korotkov, E.P. Ieshko. Natural foci of tick-borne encephalitis at the north-western limit of Ixodes persulcatus (Schulze, 1930) range // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Biogeography. 2009. Pp. 96-101
Keywords: Ixodes persulcatus, natural focus, tick-borne encephalitis.
Current condition of natural foci of tick-borne encephalitis is described in connection with global climate change and anthropogenic transformation of landscapes at the northwestern limit of Ixodes persulcatus (Schulze, 1930) range – in the mid-taiga subzone of Republic of Karelia. The foci are becoming more active due to growing abundance of the tick and increasing proportion of virus-bearing individuals.

trudy_200904_096-101.pdf (195 Kb, total downloads: 808)

Last modified: April 7, 2010