Scientific publications
М.И. Сысоева, В.В. Лаврова, Е.Ф. Марковская, Е.М. Матвеева, Е.Г. Шерудило.
Влияние ежесуточных кратковременных снижений температуры на состояние фотосинтетического аппарата растений картофеля в условиях заражения фитопаразитической нематодой
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 2. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2010. C. 41-46
M.I. Sysoeva, V.V. Lavrova, E.F. Markovskaya, E.M. Matveeva, E.G. Sherudilo. Effect of daily short-term temperature drops on the functional condition of the potato plant photosynthetic apparatus invasion by phytoparasite nematode // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 2. Experimental biology. 2010. Pp. 41-46
Keywords: phytoparasitic nematode Globodera rostochiensis Woll., ETR, qP, NPQ, quantum yield of photosystem II, DROP – short-term temperature reduction.
The effect of daily short-term temperature drops on the functional condition of the plant photosynthetic apparatus was studied by fluorimetry in potato varieties susceptible and resistant to the potato cyst nematode. Two phases can be distinguished in the response of the photosynthetic apparatus to the infection: the first one – up to three weeks, when no infection-induced disturbances of photochemical reactions are visible, the second one – up to a month and a half, when such disturbances become detectable.
trudy_201002_41-46.pdf (113 Kb, total downloads: 329)
Last modified: July 19, 2013