
Scientific publications

С.А. Светов, А.И. Светова, Т.Н. Назарова.
Принадлежат ли сумийские высокомагнезиальные андезибазальты к байяитовой серии?
// Геология и полезные ископаемые Карелии. Вып. 12. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2009. C. 112–124
S.А. Svetov, А.I. Svetova, Т N. Nazarova. Do Sumian high-Mg andesite-basalts belong to the bajaite series? // Geology and useful minerals of Karelia. Issue 12. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS, 2009. P. 112–124
A large Paleoproterozoic igneous province of Sumian age, formed 2.55–2.40 Ga ago and made up of high-MgO andesitebasalt-series rock complexes, is preserved in the central Karelian Craton. Volcanics of the Sumian unit of the Semch structure are described in detail geologically and geochemically. This rock complex has some unique characteristics: high percentages of MgO 4.5–10.3 mass. %, Cr 33–890 ppm, Ni 73–259 ppm, Sr – 250–814 ppm, Ba – 93–817 ppm combined with high SiO2 53.2–58.2 mass. % and a very low HREE content (Tm – 0.24 ppm; Yb – 1.40 ppm; Lu – 0.20 ppm), suggesting that they originally had a bajaitic nature and were confined to convergent geodynamic settings.

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Last modified: December 5, 2010