
Scientific publications

С.С. Рожков, В.А. Тимофеева, А.Б. Соловьева, Н.Ф. Кедрина, И.А. Чмутин, Н.Н. Рожкова.
Шунгитонаполненные композиции на основе смесей несовместимых термопластов полипропилена и полиэтилена: электрофизические свойства и структура поверхности
// Геология и полезные ископаемые Карелии. Вып. 12. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2009. C. 148–155
S.S. Rozhkov, V.А. Timofeyeva, А.B. Solovyeva, А.F. Kedrina, I.А. Chmutin, N.N. Rozhkova. Shungite-filled composites based on mixtures of incompatible polypropylene and polyethylene thermoplasts: electrophysical properties and surface structure // Geology and useful minerals of Karelia. Issue 12. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS, 2009. P. 148–155
The specific electrical conductivity at direct and alternating current of shungite-filled composites, based on mixtures of polypropylene (PP) and high-density polyethylene (PE), was found to vary with polymer mixture composition, the volumetric concentration of a filler and the order ofintroduction of components upon formation of compositions. The specific electrical conductivity of the compositions is shown to depend on the order of introduction of the components into the mixture. The atomic-force microscopy method was used to study the structure of original and shungite-filled compositionally different PP-PE mixtures. The surface structure characteristics of the compositions are shown to depend on both the composition of the original mixture (quantitative PP-PE ratio) and the order of addition of the components to shungite-filled PP-PE mixtures, the percentage of the shungite filler being over 20 vol. %.

GEOLOGIA_12_148-155.pdf (908 Kb, total downloads: 319)

Last modified: December 5, 2010