
Scientific publications

В.В. Соломатов, В.А. Шеков, А.В. Соколов.
Программное моделирование и анализ систем трещин в горном массиве
// Геология и полезные ископаемые Карелии. Вып. 12. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2009. C. 165–172
V.V. Solomatov, V.А. Shekov, А.V. Sokolov. Software modelling and analysis of fracture systems in a massif // Geology and useful minerals of Karelia. Issue 12. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS, 2009. P. 165–172
A prototype of a software to simulate fractures in a massif, based on the requirements to be met by dimension stone deposits, was created. The software uses algorithms for entering fractures into a database, their visualization and calculation of interaction between intersecting fractures. Based on delineation of monolithic lumps in a massif, an algorithm for calculation of their volumes was developed.

GEOLOGIA_12_165-172.pdf (802 Kb, total downloads: 267)

Last modified: December 5, 2010