
Scientific publications

Д.С. Рыбаков, З.И. Слуковский.
Техногенные мелкодисперсные осадки городской среды как потенциальный фактор, формирующий риск здоровью населения
// Геология и полезные ископаемые Карелии. Вып. 12. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2009. C. 173–174
D.S. Rybakov, Z.I. Slukovsky. Human-induced finely dispersed precipitation in the urban environment: a potential factor of human health hazards // Geology and useful minerals of Karelia. Issue 12. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS, 2009. P. 173–174
Finely dispersed fractions of lithotechnical precipitates, resulting from the application of sand-salt mixture on the roads of Petrozavodsk, were analysed. Analysis has shown that both dust-like particles, less than 0.01 mm in size, emitted in the air by vehicles, and the toxicants they contain are potentially hazardous for the environment. Road dust contains high Mn, V and Cu concentrations. Ni, Co and Pb are within maximum allowable concentrations for soils. As the particle size decreases, Cr concentration rises, varying from 41 to 93 g/t in the finest fraction (<0.01 mm) and from 28 to 41 g/t in the fraction that is less than 0.1 mm. Microprobe study often reveals a high percentage of C (over 30%) on the surface of dust particles.

GEOLOGIA_12_173-174.pdf (367 Kb, total downloads: 126)

Last modified: December 5, 2010