Scientific publications
Герасимова Л.Г., Маслова М.В., Николаев А.И.
Минеральные и синтетические сорбенты в технологии очистки водных стоков
// Технологическая минералогия, методы переработки минерального сырья и новые материалы. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 2010. C. 127-131
Gerasimova L.G., Maslova M.V., Nikolaev A.I. Mineral and synthetic sorbents in water waste treatment technology // Technological mineralogy, methods for recycling of mineral products and new materials. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS, 2010. Pp. 127-131
Ion-exchange technologies, such as sorptive technologies, are widely used for treatment of water and sewage from harmful hydrometallurgical plants and in environmental protection technologies. Their efficiency is known to depend on many factors, basically the selectivity and application conditions of sorbents.
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Last modified: December 8, 2010