
Scientific publications

Лузин В.П., Межуев С.В., Лузина Л.П., Пермяков Е.Н., Лукин А.А.
Значение технологической минералогии в выборе направлений использования глинистых пород вскрыши Софроновского месторождения фосфоритов
// Новые методы технологической минералогии при оценке руд металлов и промышленных минералов. Сборник научных статей по материалам российского семинара по технологической минералогии. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2009. C. 126-130
Luzin V.P., Mezhuev S.V., Luzina L.P., Permiakov E.N., Lukin A.A. The importance of technology mineralogy in a choice of directions of using the clay materials from stripping of the deposit of phosphorites sofronovskoe // New Technological Mineralogy Methods for Evaluation of Metallic and Industrial Mineral Ores. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 126-130
The complex studying of clay materials of stripping of the deposit of phosphorites Sofronovskoe was spent. The mineral composition is characterized by presence of quartz, hydromicas, kaolinite, iron hydroxides and etc. By mineral and granulometric composition they are concerned to hydromicaceous clays with high concentration Fe2O3+FeO (27.32-27.68 %). The possibility of application clays for manufacture of ceramic materials and pigments of various purpose was established on the basis of indirect definitions of technological properties on fundamental rock-forming minerals and direct technological tests. Use of clay materials of stripping for manufacture of various building products and materials (ceramic bricks and tiles, dry color mixes for building solutions, oil paints, glutinous and silicate paints) has practical value and it raises the importance of development of the deposit.

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Last modified: December 16, 2010