Scientific publications
И.В. Зенкова, В.В. Пожарская, Б.Ю. Филиппов, А.А. Колесникова, С.Д. Середюк.
Высотная поясность и комплексы жесткокрылых в почвах Хибинского горного массива
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 2. Сер. Биогеография. Вып. 12. 2011. C. 107-118
I.V. Zenkova, V.V. Pozharskaya, B.Yu. Filippov, A.A. Kolesnikova, S.D. Seredyuk. Altitudinal zonality and beetles in soils of the Khibiny mountains // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 2. Biogeography. 2011. Pp. 107-118
Keywords: Staphylinidae, Carabidae, Elateridae, species composition, Khibiny Mountains, altitudinal belts
As a result of soil-zoological studies carried out in the taiga, subalpine and alpine mountain belts of the Khibiny Mountains, the species composition, numbers and vertical distribution of the dominant Coleoptera families (Staphylinidae, Carabidae and Elateridae) were investigated. Fifteen species of the Staphylinidae family, 8 species of the Carabidae family and 4 species of Elateridae beetles were found on the Vudyavrchorr Mountain, the diversity being higher on the north-eastern slope. In the majority of the beetle species, the altitudinal distribution and occurrence in the alpine communities agree with zonal trends. Taking data from the literature into account, definite records from soils of Vudyavrchorr Mountain include 27 species (14 genera) of Staphylinids and 23 species (15 genera) of Carabids.
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Last modified: July 20, 2011