Scientific publications
Л.Е. Назарова.
Об оценке комфортности климата Карелии
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 4. Водные проблемы Севера и пути их решения. 2011. C. 129-133
L.E. Nazarova. About assessment of comfortable climate of Karelia // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Northern Water Problems. 2011. Pp. 129-133
Keywords: weather types, comfortable climate.
Ecological evaluation of the climate of Republic of Karelia is considered with due regard to the modern observational data. Depending on combination of values of standard meteorological parameters, five types of local weather are distinguished, which characterize the climate comfort. Their frequency is evaluated.
trudy_201104_129-133.pdf (130 Kb, total downloads: 636)
Last modified: October 16, 2011