
Scientific publications

Ю.Л. Сластина, С.Ф. Комулайнен, М.С. Потахин, М.А. Клочкова.
Структура криофитона в озерах города Петрозаводска
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 4. Водные проблемы Севера и пути их решения. 2011. C. 138-141
Yu. Slastina, S. Komulainen, M. Potakhin, M. Klochkova. Cryophyton structure in lakes of the Petrozavodsk city // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Northern Water Problems. 2011. Pp. 138-141
Keywords: cryophyton, lakes, species composition, biomass, communities.
The aim of the report is to compare the structure of algal coenoses formed in the ice (cryophyton) in the water bodies located in the Petrozavodsk city area. The algal coenoses in ice in January and April show differences in the species composition and quantitative parameters. The ice flora consisted of about the same species as the plankton flora. The upper and lower ice layers were found to differ markedly in the species composition and biomass.

trudy_201104_138-141.pdf (104 Kb, total downloads: 503)

Last modified: October 16, 2011