Scientific publications
Кочкуркина С.И.
К вопросу о датировке погребений с монетами приладожских (оятских) курганов
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Серия Гуманитарные исследования. Вып. 2. 2011. C. 3-8
S.I. Kochkurkina. Issues of dating burials containing coins in Ladoga area (Oyat') mounds // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Humanitarian studies. 2011. Pp. 3-8
During their surveys of tumuli on the Oyat' River, A. Linevsky and V. Ravdonikas gathered a collection of Eastern and West European coins (100), most of which are now stored at the Institute of Language, Literature and History of Karelian Research Centre. Coins with eyelets riverted onto them we used in necklaces, some (with perforated holes) were, presumably, sawn onto clothes. Part of the coins were found in purses or bags of leather, fabric, fur, etc. The age of 18 (out of 26) mounds determined by the grave goods does not contradict the coins found there. The datings of coins and grave goods do not fully agree for four mounds, and differ totally for another four. Thus, when considering applicability of burial dating by coins one should remember the presence of dirhams cannot be unconditionally used as the chronological marker, but together with West European coins they are in most cases a reliable time determiner.
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Last modified: February 9, 2012