
Scientific publications

Лютоев В.П., Грановская Н.В., Силаев В.И., Кочергин А.В.,Лысюк А.Ю.
Свойства и наноминералогические критерии технологической оценки природных ультрадисперсных пигментов
Lutoev V.P, Granovskaya N.V., Silaev V.I., Kochergin A.V., Lysyuk A.Yu. Characteristics and nanomineralogical criteria for technological estimation of natural superdispersed pigments // Mineralogical and technological evaluation of useful mineral deposits and problems in mineral opening. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2011. Pp. 50-63
Results of complex mineralogical investigation of natural ferrioxide pigments were analised. Theirs hypergene origin was qualified, and sequence of the formation was reconstructed. The factors which determine the technological quality and resource of thermal modification of natural suprdispersed pigments were defined.

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Last modified: June 4, 2012