
Scientific publications

Фролов П.В., Лебедева Г.А., Ильина В.П., Попова Т.В., Соколов В.И.
Геологическая и минералого-технологическая предварительная оценка различных формационных типов серпентинитов Карелии
Frolov P.V., Lebedeva G.А., Ilyina V.P., Popova Т.V., Sokolov V.I. Preliminary geological and mineralogicaltechnological evaluation of various abstract formations of Karelian serpentinites // Mineralogical and technological evaluation of useful mineral deposits and problems in mineral opening. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2011. Pp. 147-158
Geological and mineralogical-technological studies of various abstract formations of serpentinites have shown that serpentinites from the Aganozero-Burakovka massif (intrusive type) and the Lake Svetloye subvolcanic intrusion of the Lake Kamennoye structure located in East Karelia (effusive type) are most promising for dressing-free production of heat-resistant ceramics, heat-insulating building materials, nickel sulphate, magnesium oxide, highly dispersed silica, ameliorants and materials for biological protection of nuclear reactors. Dressed Lake Svetloye serpentinites can also be used for production of electrical-insulating ceramics, refractory materials and adsorbents. Effusive-facies ultramafic rocks (serpentinites from the Kostomuksha structure and the Vozhma occurrence in the Segozero area, as well as serpentinized peridotitic komatiites from the Hautavaara structure) are used on a limited scale because they are poor in serpentine. They are suitable as fillers for building ceramics, as welding material, as raw material for production of melted phosphate-magnesium fertilizers and as ornamental facing stone.

miner_tech_ocenka_147-158.pdf (821 Kb, total downloads: 1125)

Last modified: June 4, 2012