Scientific publications
Скамницкая Л.С., Данилевская Л.А.
Предварительные данные по минералого-технологическим исследованиям анортозитов Колвицкого габбро-анортозитового массива (Кольский п-ов)
// Минералого-технологическая оценка месторождений полезных ископаемых и проблемы раскрытия минералов. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2011. C. 181-189
Skamnitskaya L.S., Danilevskaya L.А. Preliminary data from the mineralogical and technological study of anorthosites from the Kolvitsa gabbro-anorthosite massif, Kola Peninsula // Mineralogical and technological evaluation of useful mineral deposits and problems in mineral opening. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2011. Pp. 181-189
The petrographic characteristics of anorthosites from the Kolvitsa massif at the Kochinny prospect are discussed from the point of view of technological mineralogy. The anorthosites typically have two generations of plagioclase: porphyry emanations of plagioclase-labrador (generation 1), which hosts micron-sized epidote and amphibole inclusions; aggregates of finer plagioclase grains that contain no inclusions (generation 2). The plagioclase generation ratio is responsible for the iron enrichment limit of anorthosite.
miner_tech_ocenka_181-189.pdf (1.98 Mb, total downloads: 467)
Last modified: June 5, 2012