
Scientific publications

Хавронюк С.В.
Тенденции развития средств размещения как одного из сегментов индустрии туризма
Havronyuk S.V. The Tendencies in Development of the Accommodation Facilities as One of the Segments of the Tourism Industry // The Role of Tourism in Modernization of the Economy in Russian Regions. The Collection of scientific articles based on the materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference on June, 8-10, 2010. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre, 2010. Pp. 125-128
The problems having an influence upon the increase of competitiveness of the accommodation facilities are revealed in the article. The analysis of development of the hotel services in the Russian Federation has been elaborated. The results of development of the hotel business in Moscow in the first quarter of this year are given. The tendencies in development of the accommodation facilities in the Russian Federation have been well-grounded as well.

rol_turism_125-128.pdf (191 Kb, total downloads: 324)

Last modified: June 7, 2012