
Scientific publications

Марковская Е.Ф., Шкляревич Г.А., Сергиенко Л.А., Стародубцева А.А.
К вопросу о морфологической изменчивости Zostera marina L. на побережьях Белого моря
Markovskaya E. F., Shklyarevich G.A., Sergienko L.A., Starodubtceva A.A. Morphological variation of zostera marina l. on the white sea coasts // Strucrural and Functional Deviations from Normal Growth and Development of Plants Under the Influense of Environmental Factors: Material of International Conference. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2011. Pp. 179-183

strukt_otklon_179-183.pdf (375 Kb, total downloads: 407)

Last modified: October 18, 2013