
Scientific publications

Милютина И.Л., Судачкова Н.Е., Романова Л.И.
Влияние интенсивности внутривидовой конкуренции на рост и устойчивость светолюбивого и теневыносливого видов сосны
Milyutina I.L., Sudachkova N.E., Romanova L.I. Effect of the intensity of intraspecific competition on growth and resistance of photophilous and semi-shade pine species // Strucrural and Functional Deviations from Normal Growth and Development of Plants Under the Influense of Environmental Factors: Material of International Conference. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2011. Pp. 196-200

strukt_otklon_196-200.pdf (432 Kb, total downloads: 201)

Last modified: June 13, 2012