
Scientific publications

Н.М. Калинкина, Т.М. Тимакова, Т.П. Куликова, Т.А. Чекрыжева, А.В. Рябинкин, М.Т. Сярки, Е.В. Теканова, Т.Н. Полякова.
Гидроэкологические исследования ИВПС на водоемах Карелии
N.M. Kalinkina, T.M. Timakova, T.P. Kulikova, T.A. Chekryzheva, A.V. Ryabinkin, M.T. Syarki, E.V. Tekanova, T.N. Polyakova. Hydroecological studies on water-bodies of Karelia // Water resources of the European North of Russia: results and perspectives. Proceedings of the Conference devoted to the 15th anniversary of the Northern Water Problems Institute. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2006. Pp. 273-294

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Last modified: March 30, 2007