
Scientific publications

А.В. Чернов.
О равновесии по Штакельбергу в программных стратегиях в вольтерровых функционально-операторных играх
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 14, в. 2. 2022. C. 99–122
Andrey V. Chernov. On Stackelberg equilibrium in the sense of program strategies in volterra functional operator games // Mathematical game theory and applications. Vol 13. No 2. 2022. P. 99–122
Keywords: nonlinear Volterra functional operator equation, existence of Stackelberg equilibrium
For a nonlinear Volterra functional operator equation controlled by two players with the help of finite dimensional program controls with integral objective functionals we prove existence of Stackelberg equilibrium (in the style of M.S.Nikol’skiy). On this way we use our formerly proved results on continuous dependence of the state and functionals on finite dimensional controls and also classical Weierstrass theorem. The property of being singleton for the minimizer set of the first player is proved by the scheme of M.S. Nikol’skiy applied earlier for a linear ordinary differential equation.
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)

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Last modified: January 19, 2023