
Scientific publications

Колотов В.П., Широкова В.И., Аленина М.В.
Реляционная база данных как структурированное хранилище многоязычного глоссария терминов по аналитической химии. Разработка лингвистической онтологии
Kolotov V.P., Shirokova V.I., Alenina M.V. Relational database as the structured storage of a multilingual glossary of terms in analytical chemistry. Working out linguistic ontology // Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections: Proceedings of the XI All-Russian Research Conference RCDL'2009. Petrozavodsk: KRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 359-362
As the first step to working out ontology in analytical chemistry the database of key concepts in the form of a bilingual Russian-English glossary (its expansion for other languages is meant) is created. The database structure is developed, its filling by the data from various official documents is spent and ranging of the data is executed. The analysis of results of ranging (hierarchy of terms) allows to reveal contradictions and discrepancies of terminology and to make recommendations about their elimination (for example, necessity of specification of definitions of terms). Means that definitions of the terms describing concepts of higher order, should include base terms from a glossary, instead of be any text, even faithful. To each term the certain status which provides possibility of search of concepts and terms in case of indistinctly expressed inquiry is appropriated. The database will be published on the Internet on MS Windows a SharePoint-site for acquaintance by professional community of chemists-analysts and in the educational purposes.

Relational database as the structured storage of a multilingual glossary of terms in analytical chemistry. Working out linguistic ontology (160 Kb, total downloads: 254)

Last modified: October 16, 2009