KarRC RAS structure

Northern Water Problems Institute

Director: Dr. of Biology Lukina (Sharova), U.N.


  • September 12 - 18, 2022
    2 nd joint conference of European Large Lakes Symposium (ELLS) and International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) "Implications of Climate Change and Human Impact in Large Lakes"
  • September 11 - 15, 2017
    First International Conference "Lakes of Eurasia: Problems and Solutions"
  • September 5 - 8, 2016
    5th International Young Scientists Conference "Water Resources: Research And Management" (WRRM) (Limnological School and Workshop)
  • September 21 - 25, 2014
    International Confernce "Paleolimnology of Northern Eurasia"
  • August 27 - 31, 2007
    16-th Int. Symposium and workshop "Northern Research Basins (NRB)"
  • Staff

    Secretary for Science in the ADMINISTRATION, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Stepanov, Semen
    Assistant Director for General Issues
    Head of the Laboratory of Paleolimnology, Leading Researcher in the Laboratory of Paleolimnology, Dr. of Geography, Assistant Professor
    Leading Researcher in the Laboratories of Hydrobiology, Head of the Laboratories of Hydrobiology, Dr. of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Hydrophysics, Head of the Laboratory of Hydrophysics, Cand. (PhD) of Geography
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Geography and Hydrology, Head of the Laboratory of Geography and Hydrology, Cand. (PhD) of Geography
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Geography and Hydrology, Cand. (PhD) of Techn.
    Leading Researcher in the Laboratory of Hydrophysics, Dr. (DSc) of Phys. and Math., Assistant Professor
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Hydrochemistry and Hydrogeology, Cand. of Geology & Mineralogy, Assistant Professor
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratories of Hydrobiology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Chesalina, G. L.
    Derusova, O. V.
    Сhief specialist for scientific and technical information in the Laboratory of Geography and Hydrology
    Leading Hydrobiologist in the Laboratories of Hydrobiology
    Advisor to Director General of the Karelian Research Centre of the RAS, Chief Researcher in the Laboratory of Geography and Hydrology, Dr. of Geography, RAS Corr. Fellow, Professor
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Hydrophysics, Cand. (PhD) Phys. and Math.
    Ikko, O. I.
    Isakiva, K. V.
    Research Engineer in the Laboratories of Hydrobiology
    Izgarshev, S. V.
    Kulik, N. V.
    Mahalskaya, N. I.
    Chief Hydrologist in the Laboratory of Geography and Hydrology
    Morozova, I. V.
    Junior Researcher in the Laboratory of Paleolimnology
    Musatova, E. V.
    Laboratory Research Assistant in the Laboratory of Hydrochemistry and Hydrogeology
    Cand. (PhD) of Biology, Senior Researcher
    Chief Biologist in the Laboratory of Paleolimnology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Hydrochemistry and Hydrogeology, Cand. (PhD) of Chemistry, Senior Researcher
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratories of Hydrobiology, Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Arctic Integrated Research, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Researcher in the Laboratory of Hydrophysics, Cand. (PhD) Phys. and Math.
    Chief Biologist in the Laboratory of Paleolimnology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratories of Hydrobiology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Junior Researcher in the Laboratory of Hydrophysics
    Yaroschuk, A. A.
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Hydrophysics, Cand. (PhD) Phys. and Math.
    Гигорьевская, Н.Ю.
    Chief Records Manager
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Hydrophysics, Cand. (PhD) of Geography
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Hydrophysics, Cand. (PhD) of Geography
    Коваленко, Василий Николаевич
    Leading Hydrologist in the Laboratory of Geography and Hydrology
    Junior Researcher in the Laboratory of Paleolimnology, Cand. (PhD) of Geography
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Hydrophysics, Cand. (PhD) of Geography
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Paleolimnology, Cand. (PhD) of Geography

    Contact information

    Address: Aleksander Nevsky st., 50
    185030 Petrozavodsk,
    Republic of Karelia
    Contact phone(s): +7 (814-2) 57-63-81
    Fax: +7 (814-2) 57-84-64
    Internet address: http://water.krc.karelia.ru/