KarRC RAS structure

Institute of Biology

Director: Dr. of Biology, Assistant Professor Ilmast, Nikolay Viktorovich


  • September 24 - 28, 2018
  • November 20 - 25, 2017
    International conference "Young biologists science Week-2017"
  • September 18 - 22, 2017
    International conference "Salmonids: Biology, Conservation and Restoration" Institute of Biology, Administrative Office
  • August 29 - September 4, 2016
    Pan-Russian Conference "Scientific Research in Zapovedniks and National Parks of Russia"
  • September 21 - 26, 2015
    8th Congress of the Society of Plant Physiologists "Plants under global and local natural-climatic and human impacts"
  • September 2 - 5, 2015
    International symposium "Mires of Northern Europe: biodiversity, dynamics, management"
  • September 30 - October 4, 2013
    XII International Conference with elements of the school for young scientists and PhD students "Challenges in the Study, Sustainable Management and Conservation of the Natural Resources of the White Sea"
  • June 16 - 20, 2002
  • Staff

    Deputy Director for Science, Leading Researcher in the Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology, Dr. of Biology
    Deputy Director for General Issues
    Secretary for Science, Leading Researcher in the Laboratory for Animal and Plant Parasitology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Deputy Director for Science, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Assistant Director for International Cooperation, Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Animal Ecophysiology, Head of the Laboratory of Animal Ecophysiology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Head of the Molecular biophysiscs group, Leading Researcher in the Molecular biophysiscs group, Cand. (PhD) Phys. and Math., Assistant Professor
    Head of the Laboratory of Zoology, Head of the Laboratory of Zoology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Head of the Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology, Chief Researcher in the Analytical expert group, Dr. of Biology, RAS Corr. Fellow, Professor
    Leading Researcher in the Laboratory of Genetics, Head of the Laboratory of Genetics, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Leading Researcher in the Laboratory for Animal and Plant Parasitology, Dr. of Biology, Senior Researcher
    Leading Researcher in the Laboratory of Zoology, Dr. of Biology, Assistant Professor
    PhD student in the Laboratory of Genetics, Research Probationer in the Laboratory of Genetics
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Animal Ecophysiology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Fish and Water Invertebrate Ecology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Genetics, Researcher in the Center for Biomedical Research, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Leading Researcher in the Laboratory of Zoology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology, Assistant Professor
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Animal and Plant Parasitology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology, Assistant Professor
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Bogdanova, Tatiana
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Mire Ecosystems, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Molecular biophysiscs group, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Chief Researcher in the Laboratory of Zoology, Dr. of Biology, Professor
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Soil Ecology and Soil Geography, Cand. (PhD) of Agriculture
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Genetics, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Mire Ecosystems, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Secretary for Science in the Karelian Research Centre of the RAS, Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Chief Records Manager in the IB Administration
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Zoology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Researcher in the Laboratory for Mire Ecosystems, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Chief Researcher in the Laboratory for Animal and Plant Parasitology, Dr. of Biology, Professor
    Researcher in the Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Animal Ecophysiology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Animal Ecophysiology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Researcher in the Laboratory for Mire Ecosystems, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Senior Researcher in the Center for Biomedical Research, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Kashtanova, Anna
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Animal Ecophysiology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Animal Ecophysiology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Genetics, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    PhD student in the Laboratory of Zoology, Research Probationer in the Karelian Research Centre of the RAS
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Cand. (PhD) of Biology, Senior Researcher
    Kurbatov, Arkadiy
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Genetics, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Chief Researcher in the Laboratory for Greenhouse Gas Monitoring, Chief Researcher in the Laboratory for Mire Ecosystems, Dr. of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Cand. (PhD) of Biology, Senior Researcher
    Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Animal and Plant Parasitology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Leading Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Head of Research Area of the Center for Biomedical Research, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Mire Ecosystems, Cand. (PhD) of Biology, Senior Researcher
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Genetics, Researcher in the Center for Biomedical Research, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    PhD student in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Research Engineer in the Karelian Research Centre of the RAS
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Zoology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    PhD student
    Head of Research Area of the Karelian Research Centre of the RAS, Chief Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Dr. of Biology, Professor,
    Researcher in the Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Zoology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Animal and Plant Parasitology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Researcher, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    PhD student in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Junior Researcher in the Karelian Research Centre of the RAS
    Leading Researcher in the Molecular biophysiscs group, Dr. of Biology, Senior Researcher
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Cand. (PhD) of Biology, Senior Researcher
    Leading Researcher in the Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology, Leading Researcher in the Department of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, Dr. of Biology, Assistant Professor
    Junior Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Zoology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Skorohodova, Lubov
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Animal and Plant Parasitology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Chief Researcher in the Laboratory for Fish and Water Invertebrate Ecology, Dr. of Biology, Senior Researcher
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Animal and Plant Parasitology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Acting Junior Researcher in the Laboratory of Zoology
    PhD student in the Laboratory of Genetics, Research Probationer in the Laboratory of Genetics
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Vasyuta, Veronica
    Leading Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Dr. of Biology, Professor
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory of Zoology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Animal and Plant Parasitology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Researcher in the Laboratory of Genetics, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Researcher in the Laboratory of Genetics, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Researcher in the Laboratory for Mire Ecosystems, Cand. (PhD) of Biology

    Contact information

    Address: 11 Pushkinskaya Street
    185910, Russia
    Contact phone(s): +7(8142) 76-98-10
    Fax: +7(8142) 76-98-10
    Internet address: http://ib.krc.karelia.ru/