KarRC RAS structure

Forest Research Institute

Director: Dr. of Biology, Senior Researcher Kryshen, Alexander M.


  • November 16, 2018
    Round table "Management of forest fires". Obs! This Round table will be in Russian.
  • September 13 - 17, 2017
    7th Russian scientific conference with international involvement "Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Forest Soil Science"
  • September 11 - 15, 2017
    Pan-Russian scientific conference with international involvement "Boreal forests: current state, dynamics, ecosystem services"
  • August 29 - September 4, 2016
    Pan-Russian Conference "Scientific Research in Zapovedniks and National Parks of Russia"
  • December 17 - 18, 2015
    Seminar on the first reporting period of the Russian Science Foundation project 15-14-10023 "Processes of wood bark fragmentation and decomposition: biotic and abiotic factors"
  • September 21 - 26, 2015
    8th Congress of the Society of Plant Physiologists "Plants under global and local natural-climatic and human impacts"
  • June 1 - 5, 2015
  • October 3 - 6, 2007
    International Conference "Forest Biology Research in The North-West Part of Taiga Zone of Russia: Results And Prospects"
  • September 11 - 14, 2000
  • Forest Research Institute of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FRI KarRC RAS)


    Deputy Director for Science, Chief Researcher in the Laboratory for Physiology and Cytology of Woody Plants, Dr. of Biology
    Deputy Director for Science, Leading Researcher in the Laboratory for Boreal Forest Dynamics and Production, Cand. (PhD) of Agriculture
    Secretary for Science, Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Physiology and Cytology of Woody Plants, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Assistant Director for General Issues of the FRI Administration
    Krutova, Tatiana
    Assistant Director of the FRI Administration
    Head of the Analitic Laboratory, Senior Researcher in the Analitic Laboratory, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Forest Pedology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Leading Researcher in the Laboratory for Boreal Forest Dynamics and Production, Cand. (PhD) of Agriculture, Assistant Professor, Senior Researcher
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Physiology and Cytology of Woody Plants, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Leading Researcher in the Laboratory for Forest Biotechnology, Dr. of Biology, Assistant Professor
    PhD student, Junior Researcher in the Laboratory for Forest Biotechnology
    PhD student, Junior Researcher in the Laboratory for Forest Biotechnology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Boreal Forest Dynamics and Production, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Forest Biotechnology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Boreal Forest Dynamics and Production, Cand. (PhD) of Agriculture
    PhD student, Junior Researcher in the Analitic Laboratory
    Leading Chemist in the Analitic Laboratory
    Leading Researcher in the Laboratory for Landscape Ecology and Forest Ecosystems Protection, Senior Researcher in the Analytical expert group, Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Ecological Monitoring and Modeling, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Junior Researcher in the Laboratory for Forest Pedology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Forest Pedology, in the Laboratory for Forest Pedology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology, Assistant Professor
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Physiology and Cytology of Woody Plants, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Researcher in the Laboratory for Forest Pedology, Cand. (PhD) of Agriculture
    PhD student, Junior Researcher in the Laboratory for Forest Biotechnology
    Junior Researcher in the Laboratory for Boreal Forest Dynamics and Production, Cand. (PhD) of Agriculture
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Physiology and Cytology of Woody Plants, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Researcher in the Laboratory for Forest Pedology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Pankratov, Ivan
    PhD student
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Boreal Forest Dynamics and Production, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Leading Researcher in the Laboratory for Boreal Forest Dynamics and Production, Cand. (PhD) of Agriculture, Assistant Professor
    Researcher in the Laboratory for Forest Pedology, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Tarantina, Irina
    Leading Chemist in the Analitic Laboratory
    Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Physiology and Cytology of Woody Plants, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Chief Researcher in the Laboratory for Forest Biotechnology, Dr. of Biology, Assistant Professor
    Junior Researcher in the Laboratory for Forest Biotechnology, Cand. (PhD) of Agriculture
    Leading Researcher in the Laboratory for Forest Pedology, Dr. of Geography

    Contact information

    Address: 11 Pushkinskaya St., 185910 Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia
    Contact phone(s): +7 (8142) 76-95-00, 76-81-60
    Fax: +7 (8142) 76-81-60
    Internet address: http://forestry.krc.karelia.ru